Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tertiary Studies:

It’s come to that time, where I’ve almost completed my studies, but not just yet!! That time where you just cant wait to finish only because there’s only so much assignments, exams, presentations and classes you can take!

I’ve been studying for the past 5 years and have enjoyed it thoroughly. I’ve always strived to do my best and be the best student I could possibly be. BUT…I’ve reached the last two months of my degree and it feels like I’ve reached the end of my drive…it’s just become such a mission to go to class, do presentations, do assignments, etc etc

Although going to class does have a few benefits of which there’s one I’d like to highlight. With studying for five years come relationships with your fellow classmates that have been with you for the past five years. You find yourself growing together within the industry aswell as learning from each other. What I’ve also realised is that these classmates have become a pillar of strength, through all the craziness they are there when you need to vent, get notes from or even just get advice.

What’s been really great is the fact that you are able to network with your classmates, bounce ideas off them aswell as find out what they currently busy with.

But my first degree has almost come to end…and I can honestly say, it’s been an awesome journey.

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