Thursday, September 24, 2009

“Rock journalism is people who cant write interviewing people who cant talk for people who cant read” - Frank Zappa

In my mind, critics are suppose to be objective and not subjective. Is this not difficult to do as each individual had a different frame of reference. I say this because, what happens if a critic happens to review a restaurant or album that he/she likes? What then? The critic already has a preconceived critique because of his/her frame of reference.

Then, can critics be bought with free accommodation, free meals, free music albums? Does this influence their critique?

Then to comment on Frank Zappa’s comment “Rock journalism is people who cant write interviewing people who cant talk for people who cant read” I think this comment is depicts the words of an angry person, why else would someone say something like this?

In conclusion, I think being a critic requires great skill and knowledge about whatever is being critiqued. This way, one is able to ensure that the critique is fair and honest without any preconceived ideas and external influences.

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