Thursday, September 24, 2009

Working through lunchtime?

Working in the PR industry, working through lunch was a norm, working late was a norm…BUT…

Now that I’ve done a little career jump I see that lunch hour is time for eating, playing games, being non-existent and just not constructive!
Try and get something out of anyone during lunch and it’s like talking to a wall!

Yes, I know everybody is entitled to lunch and should have the chance to get away from their desk and just relax, but whatever happened to finishing the job and going the extra mile?

I find it quite frustrating coming from an environment where getting the job done was more important than doing nothing during lunch time to an environment where lunch hour means LUNCH!

Some people might disagree with my opinion but that’s okay, I think one’s work ethic differs, depending on your need to succeed and your need to learn more.

To me, if working through my lunch hour means I get to finish a task and take on more responsibility, then that’s okay, because I know, in the long run, it will be worth my while!

Watch this space

I’ve almost completed my studies, im young and the world awaits me!!

There’s so much I would like to do, so much I would like to see!! Where do I start?

With so much opportunity out there, I can’t but help to get excited!
The possibilities are endless! With the stresses of daily life it’s easy to get trapped into the negativity that’s out there and this could make it difficult to rise one’s potential.

Then there’s so much competition out there, many talented people also wanting to make it, with the drive and passion to succeed…

What I can say is that ive got this uncontrollable desire to be happy and succeed and do what I love and feel that nothing or nobody can come in the way of my dreams when I’ve this “fire” inside of me!

So yes people…watch this space!!


So you get good friends and you get bad friends..

Why do we keep bad friends? There shouldn’t be such a thing as bad friends. Those people should not be a part your life as they have no positive influence on your life.

I find that through the years you’ve had good friends and as time goes by and you as person grow into maturity, discover new things about yourself, set goals and objectives for yourself, you come to realise that there are certain friends that don’t fit the profile of the life you’ve set out for yourself. Some of those good friends now become bad friends because they haven’t taken a similar approach to life. And like my gran always says, “Associate yourself with positive people” and if your friends don’t have any good influence on your life…well…it’s time to move on.

Now this is where the difficult part comes, how do you cut off friends that have been there and now because they no longer have a positive influence on your life you need to part ways? Is it as simple as just saying “cheers, you no longer needed” or do you have to slowly but surely work them out of your life?

Lucky for me I don’t need to answer that question just yet!

Conventional is a good fallback position

Conventional is safe AND safe should be the back up plan!

That’s what I think and im sticking to it! Why not do something different? Aren’t people tired of seeing the same things?
Should we not always provide state of the art, innovative, creative and out of this world ideas?

Im not saying that conventional is bad, it’s just not that exciting, and besides you can always fall back on “conventional”, conventional can be your safety net, so why not go ball park on life?

For some, conventional is comfortable and the only way they know, in that case, im sure, doing the unconventional is just no option. Does this mean we are forced to be exposed to the same old “stuff” all the time?

So yes, im tired of conventional BUT conventional in most cases is more cost effective, what consumers know and what company’s want. In my mind, conventional will do no harm but it’s not going to get you ‘WOW’S”. Is that what we need to get use to?? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!

Why should we succumb to the norm when a world of possibility and opportunity is out there?

Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea (Alain)

Having an idea is great I think, it gives one the reason to think outside the box, research information, weigh up all options, communicate with various people, take calculated risks, learn new things, possibly make money and just get excited about this idea!!

In my mind, having an idea leads to using one’s time effectively and constructively, using your time to make sure this idea becomes a reality!

Then, on the flipside, having only one idea could be dangerous, focussing all your energy on one idea, knowing that there’s a possibility that idea won’t work, for whatever reason. Investing all your time, all your resources, all your money (please don’t ever do that!!) and all your effort into one idea, could have devastating effects if the idea doesn’t materialise! Putting all your eggs in one basket has both positive and negative effects, depending on whether your idea works out of course!

So this is what I would do, always ensure that you have a back up plan, do as much research as possible, consult experts, DON’T put all your money in one basket and enjoy the learning experience…



I need to know; what is the big fuss about turning 21…before I go any further, let me just say, I LOVED TURNING 21 and all the festivities that went along with it. I also gained more independence in terms of my parents, yes…my parents are old school, but why do people make such a big fuss about turning 21?

I understand the big fuss about turning 18. You are officially legal, you get to consume alchohol (not like you didn’t before), you can get your drivers licence (not like you weren’t driving before without a licence) and you finish high school (in most cases) but that’s it…right? I forgot one privilege…you get to vote.

So what’s so special about turning 21? Besides the big party and all the awesome gifts? Oh yes, not forgetting the 21st key!!!

Does turning 21 mean that you are officially a young adult? Does it mean you are able to make your own decisions and not be questioned? When turning 21, does turning 21 mean you are given that freedom to be your own person?

Turning 21 is also considered a milestone of age? Why is this? Im sure like 100 years, something happened and it was decide that turning 21 would be a special occasion all around the world. That’s the only conclusion that I can come too.

Living in South Africa turning 21 doesn’t mean much in terms of being legal as it does in other countries so why do we still make a big fuss about turning 21?

If anybody knows the answer, feel free to comment on my blog!

Andy Warhol said, In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes” – You cant choose the 15 minutes but why would you be world famous

Firstly 15 minutes is not a lot, so im thinking that whatever I am famous for should be really profound, something that made a difference, something that touched an individuals life.

I cant think of anything that would stand out for just that 15 minutes, but I would like to be world famous for my effort to make a difference to those less fortunate than me.

Firstly, let me just say, IM NO MOTHER THERESA, but I do believe that I’ve been blessed with many opportunities to live a good life and I believe that one should give back to those less fortunate to say thank you!

I’ve worked on many CSI projects and have seen the difference a small gesture like a hug or toy can make, the smile it brings to those less fortunate is priceless and irreplaceable! It makes life worthwhile! Acts like these make me realise that it’s the small things in life that count!

As cliché and overrated as my next comment might’s the truth…so here it goes; “if everybody can do just that little extra this world we live in would be a much better and happier place!”

PR vs Advertising

Im sure this is an ongoing debate in many peoples minds, especially during these economic times.

Being in the PR industry myself, I find myself constantly defending the weight Public Relations has versus Advertising.

Before I go any further, please note, this is not an attack on Advertising nor PR! I just think PR input needs to get a little more credit than what it’s currently getting.

During these economic times I find that large companies need to cut costs and where do they cut costs? PR, Marketing and Advertising. Why is this? Then it filters down even more, the PR budget gets cut, now this I completely fail to understand as Advertising costs more than what PR does. Im generalising when I say this but we all know advertising is paid for and therefore advertisers can say what they want, because they are paying for it, whereas in PR, only if what you are offering is newsworthy will it be used. Does this not mean more?

Then, on the flipside, I would think that because of these economic times companies would rely more on Public Relations because of the value it can bring and because it’s more cost effective than Advertising, I have yet to see this happen.

In saying this, I do believe that output of both PR and Advertising working together could be great and powerful.

Tertiary Studies:

It’s come to that time, where I’ve almost completed my studies, but not just yet!! That time where you just cant wait to finish only because there’s only so much assignments, exams, presentations and classes you can take!

I’ve been studying for the past 5 years and have enjoyed it thoroughly. I’ve always strived to do my best and be the best student I could possibly be. BUT…I’ve reached the last two months of my degree and it feels like I’ve reached the end of my drive…it’s just become such a mission to go to class, do presentations, do assignments, etc etc

Although going to class does have a few benefits of which there’s one I’d like to highlight. With studying for five years come relationships with your fellow classmates that have been with you for the past five years. You find yourself growing together within the industry aswell as learning from each other. What I’ve also realised is that these classmates have become a pillar of strength, through all the craziness they are there when you need to vent, get notes from or even just get advice.

What’s been really great is the fact that you are able to network with your classmates, bounce ideas off them aswell as find out what they currently busy with.

But my first degree has almost come to end…and I can honestly say, it’s been an awesome journey.

“Rock journalism is people who cant write interviewing people who cant talk for people who cant read” - Frank Zappa

In my mind, critics are suppose to be objective and not subjective. Is this not difficult to do as each individual had a different frame of reference. I say this because, what happens if a critic happens to review a restaurant or album that he/she likes? What then? The critic already has a preconceived critique because of his/her frame of reference.

Then, can critics be bought with free accommodation, free meals, free music albums? Does this influence their critique?

Then to comment on Frank Zappa’s comment “Rock journalism is people who cant write interviewing people who cant talk for people who cant read” I think this comment is depicts the words of an angry person, why else would someone say something like this?

In conclusion, I think being a critic requires great skill and knowledge about whatever is being critiqued. This way, one is able to ensure that the critique is fair and honest without any preconceived ideas and external influences.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Im currently working for a big retail company and my oh my has it been an experience, from learning and development of my personal growth to experiences that have changed my outlook on life. Up until last month, I was working within one department, and now find myself working in another! Only because my contract wasn’t renewed.

My opening comments sounds all good and well but it was actually the opposite of that! For a few months I felt very unsure of my future in terms of my career and felt that one particular person had control of my future, determining whether or not my contract was going to be renewed. To cut a long story short, my contract wasn’t renewed and on the last day of me being at my job at 16:45 (keeping in mind I finish at 16:30) I was told that I got a job I applied for in this other department. SHU…what a relief!

Through this whole experience I learnt that one should not let any individual take control of your future or destiny! I’ve also learnt that my job shouldn’t define the person that I am. As much I loved my job, and love the industry that im in, it still doesn’t define me as a person! It took a very draining experience for me to figure this out but im glad I was able to discover this.

Many people might think that it’s easier said than done due to the implications of not having a job, but believe me..i spent many a nights lying awake, thinking about these implications, putting plans in place to secure myself, and yet, I still didn’t feel the need to control the situation.

I learnt that one’s life is planned out and we just have to live it!

Personal Autonomy – How does it extend?

Okay, so I googled the meaning of Autonomy and this is what it means:

“Self-government; The capacity to make an informed, uncoerced decision; The capacity of a system to make a decision about its actions without the involvement of another system or operator”

Now, that I know what Autonomy means, I can actually talk about it.

I think the ability of one to make a decision by not being influenced by external factors has decreased especially in this day and age. There are so many factors that influence one’s thinking and why we make the decisions we make.

If I was to make a decision for myself based on nothing else except myself, I don’t think I would be the person I am?

So how far does personal autonomy extend? Does this not depend on the individual? Personal Autonomy, im sure is influenced my experiences, goals, values and morals. These factors are all very different for each individual so I’ve come to the conclusion that one cannot clearly define how far Personal Autonomy extends but that it is dependant on a specific individuals needs.

I do feel that Personal Autonomy will change the way in which you make decisions and think it would be FUN…making decisions for me and only me. Not giving to hoots whether or not it will affect the other person. But that’s not me…so ill stick to my way of making decisions.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Public Transport Strikes – Taxi’s & Busses

What an inconvenience!!! Firstly, the busses are striking illegally, which upsets me even more and secondly the taxis have commenced with another strike crippling public transport commuters.

My public transport preference is the Golden Arrow Bus service, so I usually buy a weekly clip card. This clip card has a date in which this clip card expires. Due to the busses illegally striking this morning I wasn’t able to use my clip card and have now lost out on a ride. This is an inconvenience as I had to pay to take a taxi – the only one that came in a time period of 35 minutes and was forced to sit on a crate just to ensure that I make it to work!

These strikes are disheartening as the City of Cape Town is trying to promote public transport to create a better traffic flow during peak times, but these strikes are just not helping. What happens when 2010 comes? Are we going to be sitting with the same problem? Public transport is going to play a major role in the success of the 2010 Soccer World Cup and I feel that we as South Africans should take more responsibility as this will influence and affect us all.

Besides being very frustrated I'm also disappointed at the fact that the law no longer instills fear in individuals and that people feel they have the right to illegally strike as well as strike using violence!!!


I firmly believe that every individual in South Africa has a right to strike, after all , we live in a country that strives for Democracy and Freedom of Speech.

This is not the first time CPUT students have striked for what they wanted, many a times I feel that what the students are striking for is ridiculous and unnecessary! Eg, striking for plasma screen TV’s, bursary’s – even though certain students failed.

The other problem I have with the student strikes happening at CPUT is the fact that it is not done in a mature and civilized manner. Most times, the education schedule is disrupted and students loose out on valuable learning time. I can only speak for myself and I feel that I’ve paid a lot of money to be at this tertiary institution so to have my class time cut short because of unruly students, I think is unfair and disrespectful. The time in class is lost which means more work when I get back to class and more pressure. I also feel that the violence that goes along with the strikes at CPUT is barbaric and should be dealt with in a serious manner as innocent students are being hurt as well as losing out on valuable class time.

Then my question is, “What is CPUT doing to control the situation”? This is not the first time CPUT students have resorted to violence and unruly behaviour during protests/strikes, what’s being done to students who break the law and disturb class times?

We pay a lot of money to be at CPUT and should not be at the mercy of unruly students who are not able to conduct themselves in a civilized manner!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

10 Most Unexpected Consequences of being Online

1) Im such a romantic, so I would say, you could possibly find your true love who lives on another planet nobody knows about!
2) Becoming a millionaire in an online marathon…”who can be online for the longest”
3) Becoming famous through networking online.
4) Getting into so much debt through gambling online
5) The window for fraud is MASSIVE online
6) Depending on what site you on, being stalked is a definite consequence
7) Spending money you don’t have on E-BAY
8) Discovering a cure for HIV/Aids
9) Reuniting with family members you’ve never met or even known about
10) Being online, is it’s own unexpected consequence!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Everyday is a good day

This is the ultimate saying of optimism and being positive, I would say.

It’s been said by many a people that in order to start the day off on a good note, one needs to start off with laying out the day with what you want! And ofcourse everybody would want each and every day to be a good day, filled with productive and happy days!

The reality is, not every day is a good day, with the stresses of daily life and the pressures from external influences, you can only control your day as best you can. With the curve balls life throws at you the best you can do is deal with the situation as best you can to ensure that your day turns out to be as good as can be.

The thought of living in a society where everyday was a good day, with no crime, no stress, no struggling, no sickness and just total bliss gives me a feeling of hope and enthusiasm! All these external factors influences one’s day, so I think these factors need to be dealt with first before we can even consider “Everyday being a good day”!!

For what it’s worth, I would definitely suggest that everybody strives to live everyday as if its the best day ever!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Our Greatest Strengths are our Greatest Weakness

It’s hard for me to decide whether I agree with this statement or not!
I think it is important for any individual to know their own strengths and weaknesses, in doing so, they will be able to analyse tasks and their abilities. This will provide individuals with the opportunity to learn more about themselves.
I also think that a strength develops from a weakness, there is no strength without there first being a weakness, otherwise everybody would be a genius! Strengths and weaknesses should be decided by one self as you are the best critic of your abilities. Often other people feel they have the ability to decide other people’s strengths and weaknesses, but this cant be the case.

Individuals who thrive on only their strengths depicted by others will fail to discover other strength’s they might possess by recognising their weaknesses and improving on it.

Our greatest strengths can also become our greatest weakness when it the strength goes to your head and you think you are invincible. Nobody is that good or perfect to know everything and to be the best at everything. With the changing environment we live in, we can only learn more to keep up times. Therefore, our strengths might change, and what we consider to be a strength might become a weakness through not learning and being open to suggestion.

So, now that I’ve thought about it, I agree with this statement.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Feelings Follow Behaviour

Okay, let me just wrap my brain around this statement…are we saying that one’s behaviour influences one’s feelings? If that is the case, I agree with this statement.

Ones actions determines how one feels. If I had to break it down this is how imagine this statement rolling out…

Imagine one person doing good all their life, to me this would bring the greatest satisfaction and fulfillment. The feeling that goes along with doing good and putting out positive vibes can only be returned to that individual tenfold.

As the saying goes; “what you reap you shall sow”

In saying that, there’s the other side of how behaviour affects one’s feelings. Being negative, and doing nothing constructive or that will make a difference in the world or in someone’s life. This too will influence one’s feelings, in a negative way of course.

I also think that one’s feelings influence one’s behaviour. For what ever reason it might be, depending on what happened in one’s life. If one has feelings of depression, sadness and anger one’s behaviour will definitely be negative. On the other hand, If you have feelings of happiness, joy, power and love, one’s actions will reflect that.

So let us all sow positive feelings so that our behaviour can reflect that.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It is better to practise a little than to talk alot

As a child, my mom always told me “Practice makes Perfect”! so that’s what I’ve grown up with my whole life.

It’s better to practice a little than to talk a lot, that sums up my opinion. To me, you’ll never get anything done by talking a lot. Also, it’s quite annoying actually. At the end of the day it’s not what you say but what you do. So if you practice a little more than you talk, the benefits could be countless. Imagine all the things one could perfect by just practicing?

I’ve come to realise within the workplace you always have that one individual who talks more that what they do. You never see any results or delivery on any promises made, they’re just big talkers!

Imagine the type of service delivery we would have if people would just all practice a little more and talk a little less? I think this should be a motto for all individuals providing a service! The thought alone is mind blowing of the potential greatness that could come out of this motto!!

On the other hand, I’ve also come across the statement “if nobody is perfect why practice? I definitely don’t agree with this statement because we can all strive to be perfect cant we? It will just improve the quality of service and individual performance.

So here’s something to live by: “it’s better to practice a little than talk a lot”

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's a poor idea to lie to yourself

Talk about shooting yourself in the foot!! What a waste of time and potential!! Why would anyone do that to him or herself?

I think that people who lie to themselves just don’t want to face reality and the challenges life has to offer. By lying to yourself it might make things seem okay and that nothing is wrong BUT the reality is…there’s definitely a problem if one feels the need to lie to one self. Is it a sign of poor character? Is it a sign of weakness?

I think that people who lie to themselves are in denial and cannot deal with the current situation they find themselves in. This creates a false sense of reality which could lead to serious consequences. To me, people who live beyond their means are also lying to themselves. This could lead to financial debt which to nobody’s benefit. So I ask again, why would anyone lie to themselves?
Unfortunately reality is going to kick in some time or another, and when it does, there is no turning back!

I must admit though, I have been victim to lying to myself…especially when it comes to studying for an exam, I convince myself that the workload is not that bad and that I can get through all of it a night or two before my exam to do all my study work…then reality kicks in…then I realise that lying to myself regarding my study load wasn’t actually a good idea.

SO PEOPLE…FACE THE MUSIC AND LIVE LIFE. Lying to yourself is not going to benefit you in the long run!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Not all who wonder are lost

I can’t make up my mind as to whether or not I agree with this statement, therefore im going to discuss both the negative and the positive of what I think of the above statement…

To me, wondering, day dreaming and pondering can be good if it’s done for the right reasons. But on the other hand, it could be a waste of time, and procrastination of note!!!

On the positive side..those who wonder could be thinking of the next big thing, or what next to do, planning in their mind a cure for an incurable disease so not all who wonder are lost.

I must admit though, sometimes I do wonder and get lost in my imagination, so it easy to lose track of your thoughts and get lost in all the thinking. It’s important to dream big and make plans, but it’s even more important to follow through with it! I also think it’s important to “wonder” it’s one of the only times we as human beings have completely to ourselves!! With life being so hectic these days I would think it’s critical to wonder…

However, there is another side to this statement, some people might use this as time to waste, people who daydream and procrastinate. When this happens it’s an abomination of time and productivity, a waste of time in which you could have made a difference!!

So, I think everybody should take the time out to WONDER how they would like to make a difference, not waste time and actually action what they’re thinking.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

How do you step from the top of a 100 foot pole?

Firstly, who does that? And why? Maybe a trapeze artist? Definitely not anybody I know!

Had anybody actually stepped from a 100 foot pole? I would love to know! But for now ill write my thoughts on what I think…

Okay, so let me think about this figuratively because I don’t know of any normal human being who has tried stepping down from a 100 foot pole.

If I think about it figuratively, could it be a way of describing a challenge or tribulation you have or are facing and ways and means of overcoming it? Life throws many challenges your way that you as an individual might not think it is possible to overcome, but I think that’s where your personal strength and perseverance kicks in I would think. At that time you are faced with that particular challenge im sure one thinks that it is impossible to overcome but things happen for a reason and what doesn’t break us makes us stronger!

So, the next time you are faced with a 100 foot pole that you need to step from, think about, tackle it and overcome it! But if you a trapeze artist…I would say….JUST JUMP…the crowd will love it!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


My grandmother always tells me; You are what you eat…maybe that’s because she’s a granny, and just loves feeding me. But what does it mean when people say “We are what we do?”

To me that means that what you reap you shall sow. So what does that mean?? Basically, what you put out, you will get in return. Doing good in society, helping those in need and less fortunate than you, obeying the rules, and all those other good things. I think it has a bit to do with Karma, what goes around comes around…If you do good it will have a reflection on you as a person and your destiny I suppose…Like the “secret” says, what you put out in the universe you will get back, it’s all about being positive.

With all that said, what about those days where you are forced to be a bad person, like swearing at your boss in your head because he’s just pissing you off, or those days where you just don’t feel like giving that person begging at your window your last R2 coin, or that day where you cuss at those people who never seem to do a bad thing? What then? Does that influence who we are?

However, I do believe in doing good as what we put out there will be given to us ten fold.

So yes, we are what we do…

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


What am I afraid of??

Well firstly, I have to admit…walking alone…should I be scared of the person walking behind me? Sometimes, yes!

Through past experiences I have been forced to be so much more aware of my surroundings and this has instilled fear in me causing me to be afraid! I must admit though, in the society we live in, I don’t think it’s a bad thing!

Why am I afraid to speak up during meeting rooms filled with executives and “big bosses”? Am I insecure? Do I not know my full potential and what difference I could potentially make by speaking up? Am I afraid of shinning? This needs to come to an end!!

Sometimes people fear things they don’t know anything about, the fear of the unknown…I think this fare…

Is being afraid a bad thing?? No I don’t think so, but who decides what is the right or wrong thing to be afraid of?

My personal experiences have taught me that being afraid can make one more cautious but at the same time hold one back. I think we need to find a balance as it could have it’s benefits.

But who actually determines whether or not what we are afraid of is wrong? Doesn’t boil down to that individual to decide according to his or her own experiences???

Friday, March 27, 2009

What is the colour of the wind?

What colour is the wind?

Im actually not sure what the colour of the wind is…If I think back on the many story books I’ve read as a child…the colour that comes to mind is Blue. The wind was always portrayed as blue.

Now that im thinking about it, the wind can be a few colours in my mind. In summer on that really hot day, when all your want is a soft crisp breeze, to me the colour of the wind would be a light blue. In winter on that cold rainy day, when all your want to do is lie under your blanket with a hot cup of coffee, the wind to me would be shades of grey, black and white. In autumn when the tree leaves are falling with the wind whisking by, the colour of the wind in my mind would all the warm colours you can think of, red, orange, yellow and brown. I spring, I think the colour of the wind would be an opaque white and yellow.

Does the wind have a colour? I don’t think so. The colours I have in my mind are those I’ve seen in story books and the colour I imagine the wind to be. Does the colour of the wind change as the season changes? Does it really matter what colour the wind is? To a women playing victim to a Marilyn Monroe scene thanks to the wind im sure the colour of wind would be black and all the dark colours one can think of. To a cyclist feeling the light cool breeze rushing through he’s hair im sure the colour of the wind could be all the happy colours one could think of.

So I’ve come to the conclusion, the wind has no colour in my mind, and it adopts colours as it pleases.

Today, in my mind, the colour of the wind would have to be grey, dark blue and shades of black because this weather just makes me want to climb back into bed!

Monday, March 2, 2009

If i was the BOSS!

If I was the boss??? The thought alone already boils so much excitement within me! The things I can do, the impact I’ll have, the changes ill make… one day…

But for now, I was the boss, there’s so many things I would want to change and improve. I work for quite a big retail company that is driven by buying and not marketing. In today’s day and age, many of the big, successful companies are marketing driven companies, eg. Coca Cola. So you tell me, how did Coca Cola become such a huge, global icon? Through Marketing and Public Relations of course. With that thought in mind, let me get back to my point…yes I have a point…

Because the company I work for is not a marketing driven company, our department always feels the pinch when there are budget cuts or blame needs to be shifted. This is a clear indication that marketing is a supporting function and the driving function of the business.

So, you might be asking yourself? What would I change? Firstly, salaries to be increased!! I believe that if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. Employee performance is based on many aspects of which one of them is how happy they are with their income. Also, the working environment in which my staff work (if I was the boss of course, I would have staff), should that of a happy and healthy environment. An environment where resources are readily available and communication flows freely from top management down to lower staff and vice versa. This is in the ideal working environment of course.

Another aspect that I think is critical is staff moral! I was the boss, I would make sure regular team building exercises are initiated and implemented to keep staff morale high. Another way in which this can be done is through incentives. I was the boss, this would be priority on my list.

I think that if you as the BOSS, keep your staff happy and treat them with the respect that they deserve, you intern will get staff that is happy, productive and willing to go the extra mile!

These are just a few of things I would change if was the boss.

SA Bands suck!

How about NO?! Of course SA band’s DON’T suck!! We have such amazing bands in SA doing us proud, winning local as well as international awards.

SA bands have come a long way since it’s inception, I find myself enjoying and listening to live bands and appreciating the amazing SA talent we have.

I must admit that I haven't always felt this way, for a long time I felt that South African bands were trying to hard too imitate international artists with the likes of “Red Hot Chilli Peppers”, “Green Day” etc.This doesn’t appeal to me, as I don’t live in America, our cultures and lives are totally different, so why do I need to listen to a South African band trying to imitate what I can hear if just change the channel to MTV.

On the other hand, I also think that the music industry in South Africa is completely different to that of our international countries, could this be the reason why so many South African artists feel the need to imitate our international artists?

Times have completely changed and SA bands have come to the forefront of music, to the point where more and more individuals are supporting local bands over international bands. With bands like the Parlotones, Goldfish and Watershed there’s just no way we can say that SA bands suck. It’s up to South Africans to support our local bands so they too can be international stars!

SA bands don’t need to prove themselves, they should keep on bringing the good music and keep up with the high standard and more music lovers will follow!


Monday, February 23, 2009

Designer PR

So what is Designer PR? Being in industry for almost 3 years this term doesn’t ring a bell. Should I feel stupid? Okay, let me talk about what I think Designer PR means and what it stands for.

Already the industry that im in, is one that constantly needs to be proven, and why it should be respected and appreciated. Some might query why the Public Relations course was a course in the Commerce Faculty, as it not seen by many as a valid business function and is seen as a light weight function. Now we’ve moved to the Informatics and Design Faculty. Was this a good move? I think not. Informatics and Design shouts “yappie”, go with the flow and “artsy fartsy” individuals. So you tell me…was this a good move?

Since entering the world of PR, I’ve always felt that people misunderstood the field of PR and what exactly it is we do, from event organizers to littlie “PR poppies” walking around with clip boards. It’s very frustrating being a PR professional and constantly trying to validate the sweat, tears, stress and hard work one has to go through on a daily basis.

The reality of it is, we don’t just organise events and walk around with clipboards, I didn’t study for 5 years to walk around with a clipboard in my hand to feel important! What goes down in a normal day for me is challenging and demanding. Some of my tasks include relationship building, media liaison, internal and external communication, publicity, strategy’s in terms of the various brands I work on, publicity, advertorials, (and NO, this is not an advertisement, as said before consumers are more receptive to editorial than what they are to advertisements so this in itself proves that the PR function is powerful when put up against the likes of Marketing and Advertising. Yet, you still find that the PR function still falls under the Marketing and Advertising departments in many large companies. Public Relations is becoming such an important tool as our function thrives on communication, relationships and networking. These tools are critical in building perception, trust and relationships with the public/consumers and as we know, perception controls the consumer and what the consumer thinks cannot be changed by advertising or marketing.

It’s high time that people start to realise that PR professionals belong on the board of directors in terms of decision making and strategy in terms of the way forward for the business and this diverse function is here to stay!