Thursday, April 16, 2009

How do you step from the top of a 100 foot pole?

Firstly, who does that? And why? Maybe a trapeze artist? Definitely not anybody I know!

Had anybody actually stepped from a 100 foot pole? I would love to know! But for now ill write my thoughts on what I think…

Okay, so let me think about this figuratively because I don’t know of any normal human being who has tried stepping down from a 100 foot pole.

If I think about it figuratively, could it be a way of describing a challenge or tribulation you have or are facing and ways and means of overcoming it? Life throws many challenges your way that you as an individual might not think it is possible to overcome, but I think that’s where your personal strength and perseverance kicks in I would think. At that time you are faced with that particular challenge im sure one thinks that it is impossible to overcome but things happen for a reason and what doesn’t break us makes us stronger!

So, the next time you are faced with a 100 foot pole that you need to step from, think about, tackle it and overcome it! But if you a trapeze artist…I would say….JUST JUMP…the crowd will love it!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


My grandmother always tells me; You are what you eat…maybe that’s because she’s a granny, and just loves feeding me. But what does it mean when people say “We are what we do?”

To me that means that what you reap you shall sow. So what does that mean?? Basically, what you put out, you will get in return. Doing good in society, helping those in need and less fortunate than you, obeying the rules, and all those other good things. I think it has a bit to do with Karma, what goes around comes around…If you do good it will have a reflection on you as a person and your destiny I suppose…Like the “secret” says, what you put out in the universe you will get back, it’s all about being positive.

With all that said, what about those days where you are forced to be a bad person, like swearing at your boss in your head because he’s just pissing you off, or those days where you just don’t feel like giving that person begging at your window your last R2 coin, or that day where you cuss at those people who never seem to do a bad thing? What then? Does that influence who we are?

However, I do believe in doing good as what we put out there will be given to us ten fold.

So yes, we are what we do…