Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Our Greatest Strengths are our Greatest Weakness

It’s hard for me to decide whether I agree with this statement or not!
I think it is important for any individual to know their own strengths and weaknesses, in doing so, they will be able to analyse tasks and their abilities. This will provide individuals with the opportunity to learn more about themselves.
I also think that a strength develops from a weakness, there is no strength without there first being a weakness, otherwise everybody would be a genius! Strengths and weaknesses should be decided by one self as you are the best critic of your abilities. Often other people feel they have the ability to decide other people’s strengths and weaknesses, but this cant be the case.

Individuals who thrive on only their strengths depicted by others will fail to discover other strength’s they might possess by recognising their weaknesses and improving on it.

Our greatest strengths can also become our greatest weakness when it the strength goes to your head and you think you are invincible. Nobody is that good or perfect to know everything and to be the best at everything. With the changing environment we live in, we can only learn more to keep up times. Therefore, our strengths might change, and what we consider to be a strength might become a weakness through not learning and being open to suggestion.

So, now that I’ve thought about it, I agree with this statement.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Feelings Follow Behaviour

Okay, let me just wrap my brain around this statement…are we saying that one’s behaviour influences one’s feelings? If that is the case, I agree with this statement.

Ones actions determines how one feels. If I had to break it down this is how imagine this statement rolling out…

Imagine one person doing good all their life, to me this would bring the greatest satisfaction and fulfillment. The feeling that goes along with doing good and putting out positive vibes can only be returned to that individual tenfold.

As the saying goes; “what you reap you shall sow”

In saying that, there’s the other side of how behaviour affects one’s feelings. Being negative, and doing nothing constructive or that will make a difference in the world or in someone’s life. This too will influence one’s feelings, in a negative way of course.

I also think that one’s feelings influence one’s behaviour. For what ever reason it might be, depending on what happened in one’s life. If one has feelings of depression, sadness and anger one’s behaviour will definitely be negative. On the other hand, If you have feelings of happiness, joy, power and love, one’s actions will reflect that.

So let us all sow positive feelings so that our behaviour can reflect that.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It is better to practise a little than to talk alot

As a child, my mom always told me “Practice makes Perfect”! so that’s what I’ve grown up with my whole life.

It’s better to practice a little than to talk a lot, that sums up my opinion. To me, you’ll never get anything done by talking a lot. Also, it’s quite annoying actually. At the end of the day it’s not what you say but what you do. So if you practice a little more than you talk, the benefits could be countless. Imagine all the things one could perfect by just practicing?

I’ve come to realise within the workplace you always have that one individual who talks more that what they do. You never see any results or delivery on any promises made, they’re just big talkers!

Imagine the type of service delivery we would have if people would just all practice a little more and talk a little less? I think this should be a motto for all individuals providing a service! The thought alone is mind blowing of the potential greatness that could come out of this motto!!

On the other hand, I’ve also come across the statement “if nobody is perfect why practice? I definitely don’t agree with this statement because we can all strive to be perfect cant we? It will just improve the quality of service and individual performance.

So here’s something to live by: “it’s better to practice a little than talk a lot”

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's a poor idea to lie to yourself

Talk about shooting yourself in the foot!! What a waste of time and potential!! Why would anyone do that to him or herself?

I think that people who lie to themselves just don’t want to face reality and the challenges life has to offer. By lying to yourself it might make things seem okay and that nothing is wrong BUT the reality is…there’s definitely a problem if one feels the need to lie to one self. Is it a sign of poor character? Is it a sign of weakness?

I think that people who lie to themselves are in denial and cannot deal with the current situation they find themselves in. This creates a false sense of reality which could lead to serious consequences. To me, people who live beyond their means are also lying to themselves. This could lead to financial debt which to nobody’s benefit. So I ask again, why would anyone lie to themselves?
Unfortunately reality is going to kick in some time or another, and when it does, there is no turning back!

I must admit though, I have been victim to lying to myself…especially when it comes to studying for an exam, I convince myself that the workload is not that bad and that I can get through all of it a night or two before my exam to do all my study work…then reality kicks in…then I realise that lying to myself regarding my study load wasn’t actually a good idea.

SO PEOPLE…FACE THE MUSIC AND LIVE LIFE. Lying to yourself is not going to benefit you in the long run!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Not all who wonder are lost

I can’t make up my mind as to whether or not I agree with this statement, therefore im going to discuss both the negative and the positive of what I think of the above statement…

To me, wondering, day dreaming and pondering can be good if it’s done for the right reasons. But on the other hand, it could be a waste of time, and procrastination of note!!!

On the positive side..those who wonder could be thinking of the next big thing, or what next to do, planning in their mind a cure for an incurable disease so not all who wonder are lost.

I must admit though, sometimes I do wonder and get lost in my imagination, so it easy to lose track of your thoughts and get lost in all the thinking. It’s important to dream big and make plans, but it’s even more important to follow through with it! I also think it’s important to “wonder” it’s one of the only times we as human beings have completely to ourselves!! With life being so hectic these days I would think it’s critical to wonder…

However, there is another side to this statement, some people might use this as time to waste, people who daydream and procrastinate. When this happens it’s an abomination of time and productivity, a waste of time in which you could have made a difference!!

So, I think everybody should take the time out to WONDER how they would like to make a difference, not waste time and actually action what they’re thinking.